In a government where democracy is allowed to work, one of the principles that is normally entrenched is a feedback system, a discussion between those who formulate policy and those who must perceive, accept or reject policy. In other words, there must be a system of education - political education - and this does not necessarily go with literacy.
- Steve Biko
The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (foundation) is one of the six major political foundations in the Federal Republic of Germany, tasked primarily with conducting political education both at home and abroad.
Since its founding in 1990, the foundation’s work has adhered to the legacy of its namesake, German socialist leader Rosa Luxemburg, and seeks to represent democratic socialism with an unwavering internationalist focus. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is committed to radical perspectives, emphasising public awareness, enlightenment, and social critique. It stands in tradition of the workers’ and women’s movements, as well as anti-fascism and anti-racism.
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung has been active in Southern Africa since 2002 and its focus on political education involves facilitating platforms which promote civic participation, critical thinking, research and dialogue with the goal of participatory, inclusive and peaceful democracy.
The foundation is registered as a non-profit organisation according to South African law and is affiliated with
DIE LINKE, the German Left Party.
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southern Africa welcomes requests to cooperate with NGOs, community based organisations, universities, unions, political parties, and media organisations that comply with the tenets of democratic socialism.