A four-day online conference, Climate Change and Agrarian Justice, is taking place from 26 – 29 September 2022. Bringing together activist and scholarly networks, the conference aims to explore themes such as:
Critical Agrarian Studies and the Politics of Climate Change Responses
Diverse Impacts and Responses to Climate Change in the Rural World
Agrarian Struggles and Resistance
Towards Agrarian Climate Justice: Strengthening Alliances for an Anti-Capitalist Approach to Climate Change
Languages: Simultaneous translation will be available in Spanish and French for plenary sessions.
Host institutions: Journal of Peasant Studies, Transnational Institute, Collective of Agrarian Scholar-Activists of the Global South, Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies
Conference convenors: Amita Baviskar, Amit Kurien, Annie Shattuck, Boa Monjane, Dugyu Avci, Ian Scoones, Jackson Wachira, Jacobo Grajales, Jennifer Franco, Katie Sandwell, Marc Edelman, Nancy Peluso, Ricado Jacobs, Ruth Hall, Saturnino Borras Jr, Sergio Sauer, Shaila Seshia Galvin, Wendy Wolford.
Conference fee: There is no conference fee.
Twitter: #ClimateAgrarianJustice
Queries: climateagrarianconference@gmail.com
Conference updates: see the conference webpage.
Conference papers are being collated in a Google Folder that you can view here.